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Learn all about carding

Learn About Carding
Learn All About Carding A To Z (Full Guide)
Hello friends, Today we are going to describing A to Z about carding. You can get everything about carding in this article. We are going to writing everything about carding all about full security guide for carding in this article.

Points Of The Guide

Introduction To Carding.
Accronyms You May Encounter.
Security Basics/Methods To Stay Safe In Carding.
Basics Of A Credit Card (CC) And The Its Different Types.
The Ordering Aspect – Before And After Carding.

Introduction Of Carding
Carding is an art, in which every person get failed a few times while he will getting started. The key to being successful is to not give up and keep trying different sites, methods etc. When you fail, Don’t automatically start asking people to “teach” you how to card, or asking people for their methods. Most carders have endured tireless periods of ‘trial and error’ which is how they eventually came upon specific methods that work for them, and they will not just give away their hard earned work to someone who hasn’t worked equally hard to find their own methods.

Accronyms You May Encounter
WU = Western Union – another form of payment that is accepted.
WMZ = WebMoney – yet another form of payment that is somewhat accepted.
CVV = Most often used to describe a credit card that you buy, includes cardholder name/address/ccn/cvv2. I’ll go more into this later.
CVV2 = Credit Verification Value – The number on the back of the card used for verification purposes. 3 digit number for visa/mc and 4 digit for AMEX (American Express) (There is also CVV1 which is a verification number that is written into the mag stripe on the back of the card that is read when the card is swiped).
Drop = an address where you can send carded goods, (It is not your own address or friends address).
CCN = Credit Card Number – Includes the number of the card and expiration date, no name or address.
MMN = Mothers Maiden Name – Comes in handy when bypassing security measures on VBV/MCSC.
DOB = Date of Birth – Used to bypass some security measures.
SSN = Social Security Number – Same as both above, used to bypass security measures.
COB = Change of Billing – Some stores will only ship large/high priced items if the shipping and billing info match, these can be obtained through some cvv sellers, usually in the form of a ‘Full’.
Fullz = Same info as CVV but with more info eg. security question answers, SSN, DOB, MMN, etc. which can be used for COB, etc.
AVS = Address Verification Service – System that checks the billing address entered against the credit card company’s records.
VBV = Verified by Visa – Extra verification process initially added by visa, there are different types of authentication used, most notably would be a password, date of birth, social security number, or mothers maiden name.
MCSC = MasterCard SecureCode – MC (MasterCard) adopted this process after VBV came out, basically the same thing but with mastercards.
POS = Point of Sale – Terminal at a physical shop where the card is swiped/read.
Dump = The information that is written onto the magnetic stripe on the back of the card, the only way to get these is with a skimmer, comes in different ‘tracks’ which I will not be explaining – a dump would look like 4131980030032319=11101010000000006460.
Skimmer = A device that is normally attached to an atm where you insert your card, which records your card information (there are other varients, that is the most common).
Embosser = A device that ‘stamps’ the cards to produce the raised lettering.
Tipper = A device that adds the gold/silver accents to the embossed characters.
MSR = Magnetic Stripe Reader/Writer – Used in the carding scene for writing dumps (and drivers license, student ID) info to blank cards or giftcards (if you want to use blank white cards, you will need a printer for the card template, embosser/tipper also, which can get costly to buy).
BIN = Bank Identification Number – The first 6 digits of a card number

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