Western union method 💸
What Is Western Union ?
Western Union Is Money Transfer Service
Can We Send Online ?
Yes From credit/debit card
things needed to card Western Union !
1. Fresh credit card or fullz contain dob ssn and mmn and other things
This is the example of fullz
First Name : BARBARA
Middle Name : L.
Last Name : MILLS
Spouse Name :
Father Name :
Billing Address : 26 MAIN ST.
State : MA
Zip Code : 01235
Country : US
Phone Number : 413-685-8195
Credit Card Information :
Card Type : Credit
Credit Card Number : 429470193003831
Exp. Date :
Cvv2 : 677
Mother Maiden Name : WALTON
Social Security Number : 028-42-4621
Birth Day : 20
Birth Month : 04
Birth Year : 1950
Account Information :
Password : ECHO555 Nothing
Socks , Proxy
You can get tons of proxy via google.com
2. Socks Must be Not Blacklisted
Hide My Ass! Free Proxy and Privacy Tools - Surf The Web Anonymously
Free Proxy Lists
Anonymizer: free web proxy, CGI proxy list, free anonymizers and the list of web anonymizers list
3) RDP
RDP Is better Because Mostly It is Not Blacklisted
Now tutorial Start from here
This Tutorial is worldwide :
Suppose I Live In India And Wanted To Send Money To Some Other Country!!
So Lets Start Find A USA Or, UK CC !!
Suppose You got the card And here is the card
Card Type : Credit
Credit Card Number : 4294701930038344
Exp. Date : 1/January / 2012
Cvv2 : 677[/COLOR]
This Bins Bank Name is
Greylock F.C.U. CREDIT CLASSIC USA Pittsfield Massachusetts MA
You can get more info via google.com
Or here is website
https://binchecker.com (https://binchecker.com/)/
Now Which Bank Is good and which card is Best to card this is the main question so i'll tell yOu !
1) Usa Chase bank🏦
2) Usa other banks such as Boa 🏦and so on
3) lloyd🏦
4) a france bank or so on
These bins work best for me tho
Now Where do u get the cc and fullz Sometime You can get easily from me and some time not
Now First Change Proxy and socks From the card u get
Suppose you get the card Of USA Bank Then state is Canada So find the canada socks and change your proxy
How To change proxy ?
Web browser instructions
Mozilla Firefox: Tools > Options > Advanced > Settings > Manual proxy configuration.
Google Chrome: Options > Under the hood > Network > Change proxy settings > LAN settings > Use a proxy server > Advanced > HTTP.
Internet Explorer: Tools > Internet options > Connections > LAN settings > Use a proxy server > Advanced > HTTP.
Opera: Tools > Preferences > Advanced > Network.
Now You change the proxy Now Open Money Transfer | Western Union and the website will locate your proxy and open the Usa page for you automatically if not then please choose USA
On right side They'll ask you Send from zip code so choose the zip code you get on the cc example this
First Name : BARBARA
Middle Name : L.
Last Name : MILLS
Spouse Name :
Father Name :
Billing Address : 26 MAIN ST.
State : MA
Zip Code : 01235
Country : US
Phone Number : 413-685-8195[/COLOR]
Zip code = 01235 Is the card zip code put this and amount you want to send Try lower first choose 100
and then select your country i.e Send to country Put your's
Next page will open and they'll ask you the following option
Online > > > Credit card > > Minute to minute >> Pay to agent[/COLOR]
Choose Online then choose credit card and minute to minute
They'll tell u estimated fee's
Now come's handy part i.e
The registration Proces's
Now fill the form Smile
Firstname lastname address phone number city state country must be the same as u got in ur card[/COLOR]
First Name : BARBARA
Middle Name : L.
Last Name : MILLS
Spouse Name :
Father Name :
Billing Address : 26 MAIN ST.
State : MA
Zip Code : 01235
Country : US
Phone Number : 413-685-8195
Put the same thing in registration form Once you complete they'll ask you to register via email id So put ur email id then username and password
Click continue
next part is the reciever Name and country state
So put country state and name and press continue
And press continue
Now put security question and answer and continue
You will get following confirmation message or preview detail of Your's page of registration if you satisfy then choose Okay and confirm if this is well okay [/COLOR]
You will get message !
Congratulation Mr....
Here is your Mtcn which is ready minute to minute
Mtcn consist of 10 digit always ! So congratez if u get this
If you Find error Such as western union will verify you via phone call service or via ID Card
Then You're still in luck 3 things needed
1) Complete backgroung of card holder's
2) call spoofer and forwarding
3) ip phone system / voice changer
1. A complete Background Check of the card holder
This is because if you are going to try and transfer anything over $100 dollars USD they will ask you various questions such as your previous address, Social security number, Date of birth, Mothers maiden name, what your middle name is, what bank issued you your credit card, etc. In order to get that kind of infomation you will need to go to a site like pipl.com and it free for the infomation you might need for western union. if you have fullz you'll tell then your fullz detail
First Name : BARBARA
Middle Name : L.
Last Name : MILLS
Spouse Name :
Father Name :
Billing Address : 26 MAIN ST.
State : MA
Zip Code : 01235
Country : US
Phone Number : 413-685-8195
Credit Card Information :
Card Type : Credit
Credit Card Number : 4294701930038344
Exp. Date : 1/January / 2012
Cvv2 : 677
Mother Maiden Name : WALTON
Social Security Number : 028-42-4621
Birth Day : 20
Birth Month : 04
Birth Year : 1950
Account Information :
Password : ECHO555 Nothing
2. Phone spoofer/voice changer
You will need this because western union will think you are a fraudster if you arent calling from the card holders phone number so you must use a phone spoofer service to make the caller id at western union come up with the card holders phone number. Basically trick western union into thinking your calling from the card holders house. The voice changer comes with the phone spoofer service and you need this obviously so your own voice isnt being recorded incase of an investication and also if your a male and your using a females cc to get money from wu you will want to change your voice to sound like a female.
3. Call fowarding service
This is something you will need because the phone spoofing service blocks 1800 numbers or any toll free phone number. You can only dial 10 digit numbers with phone spoofers so you have to get a call fowarding service so when you call the 10 digit number from the call forwarding service it will foward to western union. I will provide you here some link free[/COLOR]
[COLOR="Cyan"]4. Internet phone service
If you are located in europe this is a must because it will cost you too much to use the spoofer and call fowarding service and it is also not traceable.
I am providing some Link's here
Call forwarding links And Virtual Number Link's:
https://countrycode.org/free-call-forwarding (https://countrycode.org/free-call-forwarding)
https://www.sendmycall.com (https://www.sendmycall.com/)/
https://www.inphonex.com/features/fre...forwarding.php (https://www.inphonex.com/features/fre...forwarding.php)
Virtual Phone Numbers, Call forwarding, https://www.JetNumbers.com (https://www.jetnumbers.com/)
https://www.tollfreeforwarding.com/fr...al-number.html (https://www.tollfreeforwarding.com/fr...al-number.html)
Phone Spoofer / Voice Changer Links :
Telespoof.com - Caller ID Spoofing Service
Free Spoof Caller ID, Free Fake phone number, Change your Caller ID
Fake Caller ID
Free Caller ID Spoofing - Free Call Spoof - SpoofTel
PhoneGangster.com - Anonymous Caller ID Spoofing Cards
Mobile Apps - SpoofCard
You can call via skype or anything
If your card Phone Number : 413-685-8195 Is this then forward to your number once u forward WU Will call to Phone Number : 413-685-8195 and you will recieved in your
Next step to by pass the Id card
Google .com and download FREE PSD FOR CREDIT CARD and edit it via photoshop
If WU Redirect you to bank website then don't worry put secure code and its by pass !
Once you done u will reiceved mtcn no problem ✅
And You Done