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How to create facebook account for scaming

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How to open a Facebook account . I mean for scaming
Things needed.
1.  your local phone number
2. Chrome browser / firefox
3. your working picture
4. your bio data info.
Goto on your chrome browser or firefox.... clear cookies for facebook... and sign up
with your phone Number..
After registration.. Select ur name..
Make sure the name has
Surname.. Middle name and Initial..
I.e.. Martha H. Zimmerman
-After completing this Registration.. select any town in your country as ur Home town.. and
select any city/state in usa as ur current location..
- Now that u have set ur home town and current location.... Goto the Home town and hide
it from timeline.. also hide ur  phone number from timeline.. set privacy so only u
can view it!!!
-Upload ur account profile pic and be ready to bomb..
-The reason why Facebook do block our account is bcos of too much bombing.. and
some of these clients u bomb are fake clients.
-- Here is how to get a good client..
--- 1. Never send friend request to any body.. are u surprised?
--- 2. Never message any client..
**As long ur Facebook profile is dope.. clients will always want to chat u up to know u
Then how do u know make a client u exist on Facebook??
Here is d trick
Search for all this celebrity profiles, American banks profiles. American foods profile..
American drugs Facebook profile.. after searching for all this profile.. comments and like
those profiles..
Sure client who is interested in getting along with u will surely add u..
Never use a VPN for your facebook account.
Set ur privacy and timeline settings so u can always review posts.
Set privacy for viewing friends to only you or as you dim fit.
Set privacy for who can write or comment on ur posts to suit ur work.
Turn off location access on your messenger so it does not show people around you as it
would detect ur location and tear ur job.
Do not set ur year of birth to be included on your profile.
Don't go to porn or relationship or all dis useless looking for dick

if you don't understand anything comment down below

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