Free advanced and modern Windows botnet with a nice and secure PHP panel built using VB.NET
This botnet controller comes with a lot of features and the most secure panel for free
What You Can Do?
Upload File
Open Webpage [Visiable, Hidden]
Show MessageBox
Take Screenshot
Steal Firefox Cookies
Steal Saved Passwords
Steal Chrome Cookies
Execute Scripts
Computer operations [ Restart, Shutdown, Logout ]
Uninstall Client
Move Client
Blacklist Client
Update Client
Close Client
PHP >= 70
NET Framework
Stub >= 2.0
Builder >= 4.0
How To Install PHP Panel:
Clone the Repo
Compress BlackNET panel folder and upload it to your hosting
Create a database with any name you want
Change the data in classes/database.php
Change files and folders permission to 777 [ Uploads Folder]
Go to install.php to create the botnet tables automatically